Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mid-Summer Closet Cleanout

Last night I sorted through my closet. Actually, I went through the pile of clean clothes that had accumulated near my bed, and I needed room to hang the stuff in my closet so I had to throw some things out. Here's the list of things I said goodbye to, partly in reaction to this article by Allie of Wardrobe Oxygen:
  • 3 cheap polyester skirts
  • a yellow pattern dress that was an unflattering material and hit at just the wrong part of my leg
  • a black sheath dress that didn't fit quite right and never will
  • 2 cheaply made long sleeve shrugs
  • a silk pink camisole that looks like lingerie no matter what I pair it with
  • a skort that should only be worn by a 14 year old
  • a gray A-line skirt that is a miniskirt on me (got it from goodwill, giving it back to goodwill)
And some other miscellaneous stuff.

It's hard to part with clothing because I always feel like the more options I have the easier it is to get dressed. But it's harder. I seem to fall back on the same staples anyway. I didn't realize I have about 10 pairs of jeans because I wear the same 3 constantly (and two are a duplicate - if you find something you love buy two).

I am trying not to buy any more summer clothes or shoes. I know I will need stuff for fall/winter so I can wait until then to spend any more money ...

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